Event Streaming

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  • Amazon Kinesis - Amazon Kinesis is a real-time collection, processing, and analysis solution for video and data streams.  🌐
  • Amazon MSK - Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed service to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data.   🌐
  • Apache Pulsar - A scalable, low-latency messaging platform that runs on commodity hardware and provides both publish-and-subscribe and queue semantics. The advantages over Kafka is that compute and storage scaling are decoupled and that it is possible to define multiple subscribers without the need for multiple partitions.  🌐
  • Kafka - Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that differentiates itself from traditional message brokers in that message storage is durable. It is an appropriate foundation for an architecture based on the concepts of CQRS and Event Sourcing (ES).  🌐
  • ksqlDB - Event-streaming database that brings discrete events and materialised views under one unified system, using a familiar SQL-oriented approach. It is a Confluent product that runs on top of Kafka.   🌐

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