Message Queues

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Top > Backing Services > Eventing > Message Queues

  • Advance Message Processing System (AMPS) - AMPS is a commercial messaging system developed by 60East Technologies that is essentially presented as a faster and better RabbitMQ. The company backs such claims on the basis on Kernel-level optimisation, and the full leverage of multi-core CPU architecture, among others.  🌐
  • Amazon MQ - A managed service for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ.  🌐
  • Amazon SQS - Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a message queuing service. It comes in two versions: standard and FIFO. The standard version provides high-throughput but does not guarantee order and messages may be, occasionally, delivered more than once. The FIFO version, instead, guarantees that messages are processed exactly once (and in order) and in exchange for lower throughput.  🌐
  • IBM MQ - IBM MQ is the de facto messaging queue product in IBM-centric ecosystems. It is commonly used to interact with IBM mainframes.  🌐
  • RabbitMQ - RabbitMQ is a an open-source message broker that implements AMQP, an open wire protocol for messaging. It is typically used to replacement legacy JMS-based providers such as TIBCO EMS.  🌐
  • TIBCO EMS - TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS), is a popular Java Message Service (JMS) broker in legacy enterprise landscapes.  🌐

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